
Showing posts from April, 2024

Pharmacists Value to the Interprofessional Team

 During my first shadowing experience in my P1 year, I shadowed a P4 on one of their rotations in the University Hospital. Her rotation was in surgery in urology. During this experience, I was able to sit in during table rounds. It was intimidating to see this side of pharmacy initially. With all the healthcare professionals sitting at a table discussing patient cases, it seemed so fast, and I was unfamiliar with some jargon. At one point, the team asked the P4 for their recommendation on an antibiotic, and she answered right away. I was impressed by her preparedness. I also shadowed a pharmacist in Pediatric Cardiology at Motts Children's Hospital. During this experience, I saw rounds where the team walks to each patient's room, discusses the patient's cases, and sometimes talks with the parents. This pharmacy field is different because of the limited resources in pediatric cardiology medications. These experiences have increased my interest in working in an interprofessio