Telemedicine: Older Adults

Since COVID-19, there has been a significant shift in the dynamic of doctor's appointments; telemedicine appointments were the new normal at the start of the pandemic, it did have its benefits of convenience and accessibility. However, it created many challenges for the older population. 

From a survey done in 2022, 40% of adults 65 years and older do not own a smartphone and 55% do not own a tablet or a computer. My grandparents lived in northern Michigan in a cabin that had no WiFi, no computers, and did not know how to use smartphones. They would not have been comfortable in the transition to telemedicine appointments during COVID-19 with navigating through the virtual platforms and troubleshooting any technical issues . Additionally, as we age, hearing and vision loss arise and virtual appointments make it very challenging for older adults to communicate and engage in the appointment if they rely on visual cues or facial expressions to aid in their communication. For those that struggle with hearing, if there are audio quality issues or background noises it can be difficult to understand the healthcare provider. The older population typically has heightened concerns about their privacy of personal health information which may make them reluctant in sharing information over a virtual platform if they are unfamiliar with the technology and security.

Today, there has been a shift back to going to the doctor's office for an appointment, however, there are certain providers that have stayed fully remote since COVID-19. In rural areas, where there tend to be a larger older population, there are not many options of providers as it is, and its possible in some places that they are still no in-person options for the population that prefers it and having difficulty getting the care they need.




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